Instant answers to your clinical questions

Evidence-based. Free to use. Made by clinicians.

results example

“It took me 25 minutes to find an answer previously, with I found it within seconds.”

General Practitioner, London

“It helps me to quickly find information from reliable resources in a busy clinic. Extremely helpful!”

General Practitioner, Suffolk

“I often got links to resources that I wouldn’t normally have looked at. Would highly recommend!”

General Practitioner, Surrey
bite sized answers

See bite-sized answers, not documents

We display only the most relevant passages from multiple trusted sources. helps you find answers to your clinical questions within seconds. Save on average 2.6 minutes per consultation!

Practice evidence-based medicine.

Our sources are vetted by clinicians. links to information from NICE guidelines, medical societies, as well as local guidance and pathways in your area.

evidence based medicine
relevant answers

Find relevant & professional information only

Our AI based question answering platform gets better the more you use it. FAQ

  • is a customisable search platform designed to help clinicians find the information they need at the point of care.

  • is intended for healthcare professionals. The search results are provided for informational purposes and do not replace the need to apply professional clinical judgement when diagnosing or treating any medical condition. A licensed medical practitioner should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. For more information, please review our terms and conditions.

  • is free to use at the point of care, with no hidden costs or fees. We partner with organisations for a fee to tailor our platform to their needs, including but not limited to incorporating local guidelines onto our platform.

  • draws upon a variety of data sources including guidelines and clinical knowledge summaries published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and other curated open-access content. You can suggest sources to be included using this form.

  • To benefit from aditional features such as search history and update notifications, we highly recommend to register an account. We are working to improve with more features such as bookmarks and CPD credits integration for registered users.

  • Yes! Navigate to your account page and select ‘Add a new source’.